Bro. Jason DeMars

Bro. Jason DeMars

I was raised by Bible-believing parents in a Lutheran Church. Growing up I spent most of my time playing basketball, baseball and football. I slowly became more worldly and involved in partying, drinking and casual marijuana use. Every night I went to bed under conviction and every morning I woke up thinking I would one day get serious about my faith. At Bethel College in Arden Hills, Minnesota I met some Calvinist friends who loved sports and loved to speak about predestination. They began to witness to me and God dealt with my heart and one day in the evening I said in my heart, “Lord, I want to live for you.” All the burdens of sin left me like a weight off of my shoulders. I immediately became extremely hungry to know the Lord and study his Word. I read every theological book I could get my hands on. At this time I felt the call of God upon my life to become a minister of the Gospel. I changed my major and began searching for a theological seminary to attend.

I was then introduced to a new friend who was on fire for God but had some “false doctrines” whom we could possibly straighten out. As we met he described the purpose of the Reformation using a wheat plant. He was an artist and he began to draw it on paper, describing the stalk as the start of the Reformation through Luther, the tassel as the Methodist movement via Wesley, the shuck which was the Pentecostal movement and then back to the original seed, which is the fully restored Biblical truth. This really struck me and caused me to look at things he was saying more seriously. He gave me the tape Anointed Ones at the End-Time and the Church Ages Book. God dealt with me over time and yet I had fear over following something false. I prayed for revelation, one evening as I prayed I heard the sound of a wind blowing through my room. I looked up and the window was barely cracked and the shade was completely still. I then felt the wind go across my back and immediately felt an awesome presence in the room that caused me to bury my head and weep. I knew this was the leadership of the Lord in my life.

In 2018 the Lord began dealing with my wife, Amy, and I about moving to Beaufort, South Carolina for ministry. In May 2019 we surrendered to that call and began the process of moving from Minnesota and moved into our new home in Beaufort in September 2019.